ROI Calculator

Lighting System Data
Existing System
Proposed System

Quantity of Fixtures
Lighting System ( Metal Halide, HID, Fluorescent)
Fixture Wattage - Lamp, Module or Lamp / Ballast, Module / Driver Combination
System Operating Data & Costs
Average kWh Cost -->
Operating Hours per Year (Existing Rate x Hours per year)
Total Wattage / Total System
Total Kilowatts / Total System
Total Kilowatt Hours / Total System
Annual Energy Costs
Project Implementation Costs

Fixture Sell Price
Fixture Installation Sell Price (Optional)
Total Project Sell Price (Invoice amount to customer)
Total Project Cost after Rebates (If no rebate, enter the above project sell price)
Project Payback Analysis

Annual Energy Savings from Project
Simple Payback in Years